Friday, March 13, 2020

I Got the BEST NOTE EVER from the sub about you all. Thanks! You are lucky... I was in one of my moods yesterday!!!

Objective:  Let's almost wrap up Franke3nstein.

1.  Close Read Chapters 11-12 and answer these questions within the highlights and annotations.

1.  What did the three men tell the judge that they had found?
2. What did they discover when they looked closely at the body?
3. Who do they believe the murderer is?
4.  When Frankenstein sees the body, what does he realize?
5.  What do the men aqnd the judge do to Frankenstein?
6. What is the result of the trial?
7.  How does Elizabeth feel about Victor?
8.  What did the monster threaten Victor about?
9.  What does Victor decide to do?
10. What does he do on the night of his wedding instead of going to sleep?
11. What does he realize TOO LATE!!!
12. How does the monster taunt him?
13.  What happens to his father?
14. Why does he have to see a judge again?
15. Who does he hear at the graveyard?
16.  What is Victor's obsession now?
17.  What does the monster's last message say?
18.  How has the monster prepared himself for the cold trip?
19.  Victor almost caught up to the monster.  What happened?
20. What is Victor's last request of Robert Walton?

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