Friday, June 14, 2019

Summer School Day 10

Last Day!!!

Today's work is worth 200 points.

Do them all well, and you should get full credit.

Have a great rest of your summer.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Summer Schhol Day 6 (Week Two)

One week done.  Half way over.  Keep a positive attitude and we will all make it out of here with what we came here for.

Right now we have:

Average Grade:  88%


This class is EASY!  It's just putting in the time and effort!

Friday, June 7, 2019

Summer School Day 5

You guys need to stop smoking or vaping in the restroom!!!

It's interrupting my nap!!!

Thank You!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Summer School Day 4

Yesterday was a better day for most of you.  Keep it up!  I know it's a long day, but putting in the time and effort will be worth it!

Today I have to call parents and send home "IN Danger of Failing" notices.  If you have a D or an F by the end of the day, your parent will be called this afternoon (if I can get in touch with them) and a letter will be mailed home.

Right now we have 3 Ds and 2 Fs.  Let's see if we can have less by the end of the day so that I only have to make one phone call.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Day 3

Rules:  We have simple rules.  I am pretty lenient so that we all get htrough summer school and get what we need to move forward.

BUT...  If you do silly things, I have to enforce the rules.

So...  Those three people who walked out early yesterday (makes me look bad), you lost 1 hour of attendance and I am not going to grade the writing assignment for you.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Welcome to Summer School Day 1 of 10 with me

Objective:  The students will complete work in order to get an A or B in the class.

1.  Sit anywhere that you will not be distractted and be able to complete work.
2.  Take head phones out of your ears and place phones on desk facing DOWN.
3.  Roll and Introductions and Supplies.
4.  Begin work according to the schedule.


Testing:  Senior ...