Thursday, November 21, 2019

One More Day

Objective:  The students will do one of the following:

Period 5: 

1.  Get the assignment from the busy work study-sync book.  It is three pages.  Close read the article.  Two highlights/annotations minimum per paragraph Then complete the activities on the last page.

I don't want to hear talking.  I don't want to see one phone out.  I don't want you rolling on the couch like three weirdos.  It is due today.  If you waste time again, the next assignment will be 6 pages, and two days of this.  And so on.

Period 6:

1.  Work on project like yesterday.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Finally Fall!!!

Objective:  The students will work on their Canterbury Projects.

1.  Projects.  Get busy.  Be Productive!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Objective:  The students will work collaborative on their Tale.

1.  I will judge how well you work (and if it's good, I will keep giving you time).  If not...

Monday, November 18, 2019

Project Day 1

Objective:  The students will work collaboratively to create an awesome Canterbury Tales video production.

1.  Get out the Millers :  If I see you copying anything from a phone or someone's else's paper it is a ZERO!

2.  Get a copy of the test.  You may use notes or the Tale.  If I see a phone, it's a ZERO.

3.  Project discussion:  Due Date is:  December 10

Friday, November 15, 2019

Happy Friday! Powder Puff game tonight. Come watch.

Objective:  The students will complete reading of he Miller's Tale.

1.  Finish The MIller's Tale and the questions.

Turn in for credit.

2.  We begin our own tales on Monday.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Good Afternoon Seniors!

Objective:  The students will read a Canterbury Tale on their own in preparation for project.

1.  We are going to do a Canterbury Project.  It is worth 500 points.  It will take 2 weeks about.

2.  You will need to be able to read a Tale by yourself.

3.  So today, we will talk about the Pardoner's Tale.

4.  Then you will close read the Miller's Tale.  For each section, write a GIST statement.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pardoner's Tale

Objective:  The students will cvomplete reading of The pardoner's Tale.

Turn in Pardoner's Tale Vocab

1.  I heard you were good Friday, but really didn't get anything done.  So finish.

It is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Presentations today

Objective:  Presnt your character and takes notes respectfully.

1.  Grab a Note Sheet

2.  Go over Presentation Expectations.

3.  Present and Take Notes.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Hope that you had a great weekend.

Objective:  The students will complete their Canterbury Tales Character presentation.

1.  I made a sample today of what I expect.  Yours should be as good.  If it doesn't have page numbers and inferences, the best grade that you will get is a 60.

Here is my example.  It is beautiful.

2.  Complete presentations.  They are due tomorrow.

Hope you had a great weekend!

Objective:  The students will finish the movie then work on their project which is due on Thursday.

1.  Finish movie.

2.  If you need to finish the test, see me.

3.  Work on project.  It is due on Thursday and it better look like you had 4 people working on it for 7 weeks.

New unit tomorrow:  Animal Farm

Friday, November 1, 2019

Oregon vs USC Tomorrow!!! Big game

Objective:  The students will pick their character and complete their 200 point project to present to class on Tuesday of next week.

1.  Pick a character.

2.  Use my example and project requirements on this link:

3.  Use the website on the sample to read about your character.  Complete your slide show using specific lines from the text to present on Tuesday.

Now this is a chance for most of you to redeem yourselves after your poor effort with the Beowulf project.  So get busy.


Testing:  Senior ...