Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Objective:  The students will close read chapters 6-8.

1.  Get the packet.  Close read and answer the questions with the text.  I will show you how to do this for full credit.

Frankenstein:  Chapters 6-8
1.1.        What does Victor do to get over his guilt of William and Justine’s deaths?
2. 2      The creature has almost super powers.  What are they?
3.  3     What does Victor do when he comes face to face with the creature?
4. 4      This book is a direct Biblical allusion to the Bible’s story of God and Adam.  Where is that first evident?
5.5       What does the monster want?  What will he do if he doesn’t get it?
6.6       What does the creature say has caused him to be a killer?
7.7       Who starts narrating the third part of the book?  Chapter 7?
8.8       How does the creature learn new things?
9. 9     What happened the first time that the creature went to town?
110.   Where does the monster take as a hiding place?
111.   Who lives in the small cottage?
112.   What two things does the creature like about the people’s home?
113.   Why does he feel bad for the people?
114.   What does the creature learn from these people?
115.   What caused this family to lose all of their money?
116.   What does the creature find in the woods for his studies?
117.   What does the monster read that tells him where he came from?
118.   How is the creature able to communicate with the old man without him being scared?
119.   What does he call the people who he is trying to visit?
220.   What happens to end the conversation with the old man?

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