Thursday, December 16, 2010

Objective: More practice on Run Ons.

1. Get book bag
2. Complete Handouts.


Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,1,2 Level i we need to start working through the System 44 Books

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Objective: Work with fixing run on sentences.

1. Get Books
2. L Book 58-59

Computers 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Small Group 2,3,1 Handouts

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Objective: The students will complete grammar exercises.

1. Get books
2. R Book pages 76-77


Computers: 2,3,1
Library: 3,1,2
Small Group: 1,2,3

Monday, December 13, 2010

Objective: Students will work with irregular past tense verbs.

Get books.

1. L Book Pages 56-57


Computers: 1,2,3
Library : 2,3,1
Group: 3,1,2

Friday, December 10, 2010

Objective: Students will understand suffixes and prefixes.

Group rotations

Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,1,2 - worksheets on suffixes and prefixes


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Objective: The students will complete a review.

1. Get books.
2. Complete Review
3. Rotations:

Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,1,2

System 44 We need to start using he books.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Objective. The students will finish writing their response to literature.

1. Get books
2. L Book page 54-55


Computers 3, 1, 2
Library 2, 3, 1
Small Group 1, 2, 3


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Objective: The students will write their own Response to Literature.

1. Get books.
2. Look at some of your ideas your wrote on R Book page 73.
3. Use Page 74 to plan your writing.


Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Small Group 1,2,3 (Write your Response to Lit)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Objective: Students will pre-write their next essay.

1. Get books
2. R Book pages 72-73


Computers 1,2,3
Library 2, 3, 1
Small Group 3, 1, 2 Do page 74

Friday, December 3, 2010

Objective: The students will review Workshop 3

1. Get Books
2. Review
3. Go over R Book page 70-71


Computers 2, 1, 3

Library 1, 3, 2

Small Group 3, 2, 1

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Get Books.

Group: R Books: Page 70-72.


Computers 3, 2, 1

Library 2, 1, 3

Small Group 1, 3, 2

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Objective: Go over symbols and tone

1. Get your books
2. Get the handouts

Computers 3, 1, 2

Library 1, 2, 3

Small Group 2, 3 ,1

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Objective: Read the poem about the 9/11 victims.

1. Review Poetry Terms
2. Video
3. Read/Listen to poem R Book Page 66
4. Active Read the pages 66-68

Computers 2, 3, 1

Library 3, 1, 2

Small Group 1,2, 3

Monday, November 29, 2010

Objective: Review mostly.

1. Get your books.
2. Go over Review
3. Go over L Book Page 50-51

Computers: 1, 2, 3

Library, 2, 3, 1

Small Group L Book: Page 52: 3, 2, 1

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Objective: The students will learn about poetry.

1. Get your books.
2. Get the handout and complete it with Mr. Warren
3. Look at the HARD, HARD poem in the R Book that we are going to read.

Rotations: Three: Computers, Library, Group
Two: Library, Group, Computers
One: Group: Computers, Library

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Objective: The students will complete their character description.

1. Yesenia and Kevin present information.
2. Review
3. Complete "Description" Brainstorm and Writing.

Computers: 3, library 2, small group 1
Computers: 2, library 1, small group 3
Computers: 1, library 3, small group 2

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Students will work on describing a person in writing.

1. Get Books
2. L Book: Go over page 49 on Theme.
3. L Book page 50-51

Computers 1, library 3, Small group 2
Computers 2, library 1, Small group 3
Computers 3, library 2, System 44 Book 1

Monday, November 15, 2010

Objective: The students will review all of Workshop 3 so far, then work with one more thing with "Ambush."

1. Review
2. R Book Page 59
3. L Book Page 48-49

Computers 3, library 2, System 44 Book 1
Computers 1, library 3, Small group 2
Computers 2, library 1, Small group 3

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Objective: Students will complete a plot graph of Ambush, the story.

1. Get books
2. Complete graph using story in R Book.
3. Computers and Library.

Today we need to retest on R Skills: Guillermo, Junior, Johnny, Leticia, and Antonio. You NEED TO TAKE YOUR TIME AND DO WELL!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Objective: Reread, active read, and complete story handout.

1. Get your book bag.
2. Reread story and complete the Active Reading in margins. Today we WILL FINISH!!!!
3. Complete handout using story. Turn in for grade.
4. Computers Group 2, 3, 1
5. Library: 3,2,1
6. Small group 1, 2, 3

Monday, November 8, 2010

Objective: Re-read and analyze the story.

1. Get books.
2. Pages 60-65.

3. Computers. Reading 180 kids need to take the SRI test. DO GOOD!!!!!!!
4. Library.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Objective: The students will know 4 important parts of short stories. They will also read a short story in the Book.

1. get books.
2. R Book Notes. Page 58.
3. Read the story on page 60

4. Computer/Library

Movie??? If everyone works HARD during the other parts!!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Objective: The students will take their first R Skills test. Good Luck! Take your time!

1. Workshop 3 Handout 2 (for 100 points)
2. Computers: Level 3 R Skills Test
3. Computers: Level 2 R Skills Test
4. Computers: Level 1 System 44

Library and finish handout if not on computer. Be sure to complete handout as you read.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Objective: The students will complete 15 minutes of computer and 15 minutes of library reading.

1. Computers 1
2. Computers 2
3. Computers 3

Library all at some point.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Objective: Get the reading tests done.

1. Closed and Open Syllables Review
2. Reading Test one-on-one
3. Computers
4. Library
5. Finish Reading Tests

Tomorrow: Bring food for party

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Objective: Pass the test on Workshop 2.

1. Period 2: Workshop 2 Test

2. Period 3: Computer/Library Rotation

Monday, October 25, 2010

Objective: Students will review all parts of Workshop 2.

1. Get Books
2. R Book 54-55
3. Five Handouts

4. Computer/Library Rotation. 1 on computers 1st. 2 in library. 3 Finish handouts.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Objective: Today is the last day of the quarter. I need to do grades today.

1. Review L Book pages 40-43.

2. Computers and Library

3. Grade Reports

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Objective: Review and Apply Reading Comprehension.

1. Review all of Workshop 2 up to this point.
2. R Book Page 52-53

I need to see EXACTLY what you are doing in reading. Grades are due on Friday!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Objective: LEARN

1. L Book: 40-41
2. Review Handouts: Fragments and Capitalization

Computer/Library Rotation

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Objective: Work

1. Review Subject/Predicate
2. R Book 50-51

Computers Books Video

Monday, October 18, 2010

Objective: The students will practice more grammar and write their best narrative.

1. Narrative writing using R Book page 49.
2. Grammar Worksheets

3. Computers
4. Library
5. Small Group

Friday, October 15, 2010

Objective: Grammar: Framents and Capitalization.

1. Get your book bag.
2. L Book 38-39.

Groups: Computers, Library and Writing of Narrative from R Book page 49.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Objective: Write a narrative.

1. Get all of your books.
2. Review. All parts of Workshop 2
3. Today's Lesson: Narrative Writing First Draft. Pages 47-49.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Objective: Students will know new class policies.

1. We will now use Class Rotations as designed.

Whole Group (30 min)
Rotations : 15 minutes computers
15 minutes library
15 minutes small group

Library: Show SAM Report: This is NOT GOOD!!!!!
1. Handouts: We will use daily with the book you are reading.
2. Book Reading Log: Will be updated DAILY
3. Book Conferences for each book will be done by me.
4. Every 3rd Book we will do a Book Project

Computers: You will use ONLY for Reading 180 or System 44
You will not eat or drink by them
You will clean up the area (head phones neatly on the screen, chairs in)

Small Group: Will be used to go into greater detail what we do during Whole Group. We will do A LOT more reading aloud (YOU READING IN PAIRS AND TO ME).

Grades: Right now I WAS giving everyone an A. That is Changing!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Objective: Suffix "ion" and "ation"

1. Review all Workshop 2 Work so far
2. Go over Suffix "ion" and "ation"
3. Suffix worksheet
4. Go over L Book Pages 34-35
5. R Book page 44-45

6 . Computers
7. Library
8. Finish Movie

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Objective: The students will review Workshop 2.

1. Workshop 2 Review

2. Computers, Reading, Etc...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Objective: The students will learn and write about the sequence of the Black Death.

1. R Book p. 40-43
2. Writing: Your Personal Narrative: YOUR BEST WRITING
3. Finish Blends Speed Test

Library: Get worksheet that goes with your book.
Computers: 15 minutes each
Small Groups: Finish discussing Thank You Maam
System 44 Book next three pages

Monday, October 4, 2010

Objective: Students will read and write a narrative

1. Review Workshop 2 so far
2. L Book pages 32-33
3. Narrative Handout and Writing

Computers: Jesus take SRI test. Lopez, you are working now.
Small Group: Level 2 -3: Finish Thank You Mam handout
Level 1: System 44 Books 8-10
Library: Tell me what book you are reading so I can make a handout for it.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Objective: The students will work more on Deadly Diseases in R and L Book.

1. Review
2. L Book Pages 30-31
3. R Book Pages 36-37



Small Group

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Objective: Students will practice worlds with consonant blends, practice note taking, and vocabulary.

1. L Book: Page 26 Note Taking on Video
2. L Book: Page 26 Academic Discussion

3. L Book: Page 28-29 Vocabulary Workshop

4. Blends: Handout and Speed Practice

Small Group:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Objective: Work with note taking and discuss what we learned.

1. Get Book Bag
2. L Book Note Taking
3. Re-watch Video and take notes (p. 26)
4. Academic Discussion (p. 27)



Small Group

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Objective: The students will review for the test from Workshop 1. Second hour they will work with Closed Syllables.

1. Get your book bag.
2. Complete the Review Assignment.
3. Go over the review assignment for tomorrow's test.

1. Closed Syllables Worksheets
2. Echo Reading (R Book page 14)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Good Morning! Please be very respectful to the sub today. I am out sick, so be GOOD!

1. Capitalization Handout
2. Paragraph Review Handout

3. Library Silent Reading (20 minutes)
4. Reading Tests on the computers. Be very careful on the computers. Act as if I am here!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Objective: Students will complete all work for the completion of Unit 1.

1. L Book Page 25
2. R Book page 30-31

3. Library and Testing

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Objective: The students will practice sentences and punctuation.

1. L Book Instruction. Page 22-23
2. Handouts: Type of sentences

3. Library
4. Video

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Objective: To practice organizing a paragraph.

1. Get your book ag.
2. L Book pages 20,21,23 and 24.
3. Library (anyone ready to take your test besides Jason and Yesenia?)
4. Let's see if the computers work for Level 2 (System 44)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Objective: Students will review grammar, read in the library and hopefully work on the computers.

1. Get your book bag.
2. L Book instruction: Page 16-17
3. L Book: Page 18-19
4. Library
5. Computer
6. Movie

Friday, September 10, 2010

Objective: The students will finish the first Workshop.

1. Review for test.
2. Test 3
3. R Book page 28-29
4. Workshop Wrap Up. R Book 30-31

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Objective: Students will know their groups, their reading level and how to complete their reading logs.

1. Look at group breakdowns.
2. Explain Library. How to pick a book to read. Reading Log explanation.
3. Group Instruction: Review Sentence Parts. Do Handouts.
4. Testing on Computer: Level 1. System 44 Test
5. Everyone else, pick a book and read quietly for 20 minutes. Complete log.
6. Complete Movie

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Objective: Students will begin testing on Reading 180 SRI.

1. Get your book bag.
2. R Book Grammar. Page 26
3. R Book Writing Mechanics. Page 27

Monday, August 23, 2010

Objective: The students will be introduced to the class and expectations. They will also know expectations of Active Reading.

1. Intro/Roll
2. Supplies Needed:
3. Active Reading Notes
4. Hero's Story Active Reading
5. Complete story for grading/discussion tomorrow.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Objective: Let's Finish!

1. Put together and turn in Mango Project.
2. Get folders and take them HOME or throw away in trash outside/down the hall.
3. Complete Study Guide for final or sign yearbooks

Final next week.
Objective: Let's Finish!

1. Put together and turn in Mango Project.
2. Get folders and take them HOME or throw away in trash outside/down the hall.
3. Complete Study Guide for final or sign yearbooks

Final next week.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Objective: The students will look at grade reports and figure out their grades. They will also review for the final.

1. Get folders.
2. Pass back all returned work.
3. Get grade reports.
4. Make sure that all grades are correct.
5. Get Final Review Handout.

Figure out your semester grade. 90% is points. The other 10% is your outside reading page total grade.

See back board...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Objective: The students will show knowledge of their outside reading book and write thier last vignettes.

1. Get book and report ready to turn in.
2. Oral Question and Active Reading Check (200 points)
3. Complete Mango Quotes Handout and turn in.
4. Complete Mango Vignettes Analysis Handout.
5. Complete the last vignette writing: We should now have 8 total.

My Name
My House
My neighborhood
My neighbor
Social Issue
A symbol
A vivid memory (like her rape)
Good-bye Freshman Year

Friday, May 28, 2010

Objective: The students will complete the reading and analysis of the final Mango Vignettes.

1. Get folder and lit book.
2. Read all of the remaining vignettes (there are 6 left)
3. Complete the vignette handout for the remaining 6. Just use the back of the paper to hold all 6.
4. Book Report Due Tuesday! NO LATE PAPERS!!!!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Objective: The students will read four more vignettes.

1. Beautiful and Cruel
2. A Smart Cookie
3. What Sally Said
4. The Monkey Garden

Book Report must be turned in on Tuesday. Since I extended it, DON'T EXPECT ME TO ACCEPT IT late!!!!

Extra Credit MOney: Today, Tomorrow at the game...or Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Objective: Students will read and analyze four more vignettes.

1. Get Mango, Worksheet and folder
2. Read
Rafaela Who Drinks... 79
Sally... 81
Minerva Writes Poems...84
Bums in the Attic... 87
3. Complete Vignette Worksheet 31-34
4. Complete yesterday's worksheet for today's vignettes.

Book Report due Friday!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Objective: Students will analyze Cisneros' writing style.

1. Get Mango and assignment packet.
2. CAT6
3. Work through packet up to page 77.
4. Vignettes due typed tomorrow.
5. Book Report on Friday! Bring book.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Objective: Students will write Utopian Literature.

1. CAT6
2. Discuss Extra Credit (last bit)
3. Notes
4. Short Vid
5. Read/Listen to example of Utopian Lit
6. Analyze and Write

Friday, May 21, 2010

Objective: Analyze and write 2 vignettes.

1. Get folders and Mango.
2. Read Four Skinny Trees and No Speak English
3. Write your own vignettes 1. address a social issue like Geraldo No Last Name (which addresses prejudice/racism) 2. one that compares you to something you see everyday (symbolizes you) like Four Skinny Trees.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Objective: The students will read two poems that use tone and personification perfectly and then will discuss their elements.

1. Get lit book and folder.
2. CAT6
3. Show me, the teacher, your completed, typed vignettes on neighbor and neighborhood.
4. Notes
5. Poem discussion
6. Book report preparation/reading. Due in 6 days.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Objective: The students will read four more vignettes from Mango Street and complete their original ones on a neighbor and their neighborhood.

1. CAT6
2. Vignettes: The First Job (p. 53)
Papa Wakes up Tired (p. 56)
Born Bad (is this a story about Cory? I know... always picking on the black man!)
Elinita, Cards Palm and Water

3. How's that book report coming along? Due May 28th!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Objective: The students will analyze three poems that contain extended metaphors.

Get lit book and folder

1. CAT6
2. Notes
3. Analyze Poems (Poetry Packet Day 5)

Book Report??? How's it coming? Don't wait till the last minute.

Vignettes 3-4 due typed on Wednesday (Neighbor and Neighborhood)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Objective: The students will complete their second packet of vignettes. They will start writing their next two for their own "book."

1. Get books and folders
2. Go over the four read previously.
3. read Chanclas and Hips
4. Write the next two: One on a neighbor the other on your neighborhood

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Objective: The students will work quietly to complete the reading and analysis of the next four vignettes.

1. CAT6 Activity
2. Vignettes:
page 33: Darius in the Clouds
page 35: And Some More
page 39: The Family of Little Feet
page 43: A Rice Sandwich

Note: If you are going tonight: Dress warm, bring money, blankie, cell phone, and be on time!! I will leave without you! Be good too.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Objective: The students will read four more vignettes and complete the analysis chart for each.

1. Share your original vignettes with another person. Make suggestions and edit.
2. Read the next four vignettes:
Marin (page 26)
Those Who Don't
There Was an Old Woman
Alice Who Sees Mice

3. Book Report Due: May 28.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Objective: The students will read and analyze a poem that uses figurative language.

Get lit book and folder.

1. CAT6
2. Notes
3. Read and analyze two poems.
4. Poetry assignment: Day 4
5. Continue working on Vignettes for your journal: Numbers 1 and 2 (Home and Name).

Book Report due May 28.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Objective: Students will read two more vignettes and complete their first two journal entries.

1. CAT6
2. Read aloud "Meme Ortiz" (p. 21) and "Louie, His Cousin and His Other Cousin" (p. 23)
3. Journal #1 and #2

Book Report Due on May 28th.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Objective: The students will discuss the author of House on Mango Street from the readings. Then they will read four vignettes from the book.

1. Get your folder and Mango books.
2. Discuss what the students know about the author.
3. Read Vignettes 1-4 (Cory, Ijeoma, Jordan, Audrey)
4. Complete Vignette Table 1-4

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Objective: The students will know author information about Sandra Cisneros in preparation for reading House on Mango Street.

1. Get your District Writing Test from corrected folder.
2. Get the three handout pakets on Sandra Cisneros.
3. In any order that you choose, read the three Cisneros items.
4. Complete the following:
  1. Active reading of each (10 highlights and comments/questions each)
  2. Summary of each piece
  3. Prediction: Based on readings, predict (in paragraph) what Mango Street will be about.
  4. Author: In two paragraphs, discuss how you view author based on readings.
This is two days of work to be collected by sub tomorrow at the end of class.

Book Report: Last book due on May 21.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Objective: The students will pass the A PLace Where the Sea Remembers test.

1. Get symbol writing from folder.
2. Turn in APWTSR Review handout.
3. Get test. You can write on it.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Objective: The students will complete a novel review study guide for A Place Where the Sea Remembers.

1. Get study guide.
2. The book should be finished by Monday. Test on Monday. 300 points.
3. Your Original (Image Poem, Catalog Poem or Sonnet) is due typed Wed. 14 lines minimum.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Objective: The students will read another type of poem, then write one of their own, using one of the types that we have studied this week.

1. CAT6
2. Quiz: APWSR Chapters 10-11
3. Poetry: Discuss the questions from the last 3 poems.
4. Poetry Notes
5. Writing

Announcement: Shakespeare Fieldtrip
Redlands Outdoor Theater
May 13 (6 PM-Midnight approx.)
Cost: $12 for transportation fee. Play is free.
See Mr. Pollard downstairs for Permission Slip
First 38 kids go.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Objective: The students will go over the imagery poem from last week, then look at two catalog poems.

Get lit book and folder

1. CAT6
2. Read "A Blessing Again" and discuss the poem and the questions.
3. Notes: Catalog Poems.
4. Read the two catalog poems and complete questions on the same sheet as last week.

Reading: Read Chapter 11 of APWSR. Quiz tomorrow on Chapters 10-11.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Objective: Students will complete the video and begin writing their essay.

1) Finish Dead Poets
2) Start Essay. It will be due on Monday at the end of the period.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Objective: The students will quiz/discuss Chapters 4-9 of APWSR and then watch more of the video for the essays.

1. Quiz
2. Discuss Chapters
3. If you are not through Chapter 10, be there by tomorrow.
4. Vid: Dead Poet's Society

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Objective: Students will watch a movie, take notes on characters and actions for an upcoming essay.

1. Go over prompt
2. Video
3. Take notes that will help you write the essay.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Objective: The students will be introduced to imagery in poetry.

1. Assembly
2. Turn in symbol writing
3. CST Power Point
4. Imagery Notes and Reading.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Objective: The students will finish writing their symbol and type it up this weekend to turn in. They will also complete the character analysis handout for APWSR Chps 1-9.

1. CAT6
2. Share symbols
3. Complete handout.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Objective: The students will complete some creative writing.

1. Discuss Symbol Writing Assignment.
2. develop and write your symbol.

You will find out your test grade in ten minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Objective: The students will pass the Chapter 6 Test on symbolism.

1. Get test and answer sheet.
2. Use only a pencil.

Homework: Chapter 9 APWSR

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Objective: The students will review for tomorrow's Chapter Test on Symbolism.

Get Lit Book and Folders

1. CAT6
2. Chapter Review Assignment
3. Read Chapter 8 of APWSR (tomorrow: quiz Chapters 5-8)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Objective: Students will know important vocab for the last 1/2 of APWSR.

1. CAT6
2. Vocab
3. read Chapter 7

Friday, April 2, 2010

Objective: The students will organize folders for folder check, complete handout for Chapter 5 of APWSR, and then read Chapter 6.

1. Get folder
2. Get handout and complete
3. Pass out papers
4. Read Chapter 6 (one page)

Get grades today. They are done.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Objective: The students will pass the district writing test by writing a great persuasive essay.

1. Get the writing prompt.
2. Turn in yesterday's Dialectic and Questions.

No reading tonight of APWSR.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Objective: The students will review Chapter 4 of APWSR and read Chapter 5 as well for a bigger quiz tomorrow.

1. Get folder
2. CAT6
3. Go over Chapter 3 handout and turn in.
4. Get and complete Chapter 4 handout
5. Read Chapter 5

Tomorrow: District In Class Writing Test (Essay)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Objective: Students will work in pairs to discuss and analyze the important developments in A Place Where the Sea Remembers Chps. 1-3.

1. CAT6
2. Quiz 1 Chps. 1-3
3. Study Guide/Dialectic Chps. 1-3

Homework: Read Chapter 4

Monday, March 29, 2010

Objective: the students will know some important words to read the first part of A PLace Where the sea Remembers.

1. CAT6
2. Vocabulary
3. Read pages........ someone let me borrow your book.

1. Homework: Finish anything you didn't complete in class.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Objective: The students will show knowledge of their outside reading books by answering oral questions and showing their active reading notes.

1. Complete Vocab. and turn in to basket
2. Go to library and check out A PLace Where the Sea Remembers
3. Oral Questions/Active Reading Check/Book Report

Homework: Relax. Monday we start our new novel.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Objective: he students will read a story that is an allegory and identify its symbolism.

1. Get lit books and folders.
2. CAT6
3. Discuss Book Report
4. Begin assignment
5. Read "The Golden Kite, The Silver Wind"
6. Complete assignment

Book report tomorrow!!!! Bring book too. Minus 400 points if you don't!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Objective: The students will complete working on their Symbol Shields and have them ready to turn in by Monday. This is the last day to work on them in class.

1. Work on Symbol Shield

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Objective: The students will make a symbol shield of their life.

1. Get handout.
2. Discuss
3. Work on it.

Book Report due on Friday. No late papers. No excuses. E mail it if you are going to be absent!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Objective: The students will read an essay which uses a personal (invented) symbol.

1. CAT 6 #21
2. Go over The Secret Ibis handout.
3. read aloud The Grandfather on page 359.
4. Answer questions 1-10 on page 362.

Think about what you would like to write about to create a powerful personal symbol of your own.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Objective: The students will evaluate the effectiveness of the symbols in The Scarlet Ibis.

1. CAT6
2. Complete reading
3. The Scarlet Ibis handout

Homework: Book report..... One week from today!!! Got that Weston??

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Objective: he students will read a story that uses symbolism and discuss.

1. CAT6
2. Grade and turn in vocabulary
3. Notes on Chapter 6
4. Read "The Scarlet Ibis"

Book Report Due March 26

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Objective: The students will know important vocabulary for our next story (The Scarlet Ibis).

1. CAT6
2. The Scarlet Ibis Vocabulary

Homework: The book report is LOOMING!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Objective: Students will finish the movie and review for the test on Romeo and Juliet.

1. Get all reviews.
2. Watch video
3. test tomorrow on Romeo and Juliet. (300 points)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Objective: The students will complete reading of Act 5 and complete overall play review.

1) CAT6
2) NOtes
3) read the end of the play
4) Review

Homework: Outside Book!!!! Due March 26

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Objective: Students will read Act V: 1-2

1. CAT6
2. Notes
3. read
4. Vid

Monday, March 8, 2010

Objective: The students will complete registration and then finish Act IV Review.

1. Go down and complete registration.
2. Complete Review and Translation

Thursday, March 4, 2010

This is for Friday!! Remember sub rules! Ijeoma will lead the class. I have faith!

Objective: The students will Read Act IV 3-5.

1. CAT6
2. Notes
3. Read
4. Review Handout

Homework: Outside Book Due March 26

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Objective: The students will review, watch and then read.

1. CAT6
2. Watch
3. Review III
4. read Act IV

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Objective: The students will read Act III: 2-5

1. Correct Vocab
2. Notes
3. read (lots and lots or reading)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Objective: The students will take a quiz on Acts I and II. Then complete vocabulary for Act III.

1. Quiz (50 points)
2. Vocabulary

Homework: Outside Book Report due March 26

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Objective: The students will finish reading Act II of Romeo and Juliet.

1. Get folder and lit book
2. CAT6
3. Notes
4. Read
5. Act II Review/Trans

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Objective: Students will read Act II: 3-4 of Romeo and Juliet.

1. Hand in Act I papers
2. CAT6
3. Act II:3 Notes
4. Read Act II: 3-4

Outside Book

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Objective: The students will watch Act I on the modern adaptation of the play. Then we will start Act II:3

1. CAT6 (Get folders and books)
2. Act I Video
3. Act II Notes
4. Read Act II:3

Homework: How's that outside book coming along???

Monday, February 22, 2010

Objective: The students will finish reviewing Act I and then begin Act II.

1. Discuss/Finish Review
2. Translation #1
3. Act II: 1-2 Notes and Reading

Homework: Book report due March 26

Friday, February 19, 2010

Objective: The students will finish reading Act I and complete a review assignment.

1. CAT6
2. Notes
3. Act I Review

Homework: Have a great weekend. Watch NASCAR!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Objective: Students will read Act I:2-3.

1. Get lit book and folder.
2. CAT6
3. Act Notes
4. Read

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Objective: Students will begin reading Romeo and Julie and get through the first scene if possible.

1. Get folder and lit book.
2. CAT6 Activity
3. Act Notes
4. Read

Homework: Outside Book: Report due March 26

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Objective: Students will edit and publish all parts of the research paper by Tuesday when we return (and it will be perfectly easy to read!!!!). Then we will work on vocab for Act I.

1. Score and edit Part IV
2. Vocab
3. Final draft of paper due Tuesday

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Objective: Students will know how to complete their research paper and create the Works Cited page.

1. Get out Part III for Peer Edit and 50 points.
2. Peer Edit
3. Discuss Part IV (Conclusion and Works Cited)
4. Romeo and Juliet Act I Vocabulary

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Objective: Students will know important background information about Caesar in order to read and understand the play.

1. CAT6 (get handout on Teen Baby Mommas).
2. Go over yesterday's handout and score for points.

4. Part III (solution of research paper) due tomorrow for 50 points and editing.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Objective: Students will know important background information for our upcoming Shakespeare unit.

1. Get lit book and handout.
2. Complete handout
3. Part III of Research Paper is due on Wednesday.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Objective: Students will peer edit and revise Part II of their research paper and know the difference between Active and Passive Voice.

1. CAT6 Activity #7
2. Peer Edit and Points for Part II
3. Revise Parts I and II over weekend. Save to Weblockers
4. Go through your research and highlight what you will include in Part III (2009 info)

Watch Super Bowl. Have Fun!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Objective: Students will practice writing an informational paragraph from a resource and then work on Part II of the research paper.

1. CAT6 #6
2. Share Part II if we have a volunteer.
3. Work on Part II. Due tomorrow for 50 points. Typed. Printed. Daved to Weblockers.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Objective: Students will share anecdotal intros, peer edit and revise at home. They will also begin work on the second part of the paper, the background information section.

1. CAT6 #5
2. Sample papers from Weblockers
3. Peer Edit and check for 50 points
4. Citation Notes and sample of part II
5. Begin Writing Part II and revise Part I

Have you picked your outside Book yet??

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Objective: Students will learn a more creative way to start a paper and then write one of their own.

1. Get folder only.
2. CAT6
3. Correct Vocab and turn in
4. Intro sample
5. Write your own intro. Type and save to Weblockers. Use proper MLA format and add a header.

50 points for intro tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Objective: Students will be able to read and understand Functional Workplace Documents.

1. CAT6
2. Writing Prompt for Research Paper
3. Go over yesterday's bookwork
4. Today's work: Pages 959-964 (Day 3)

Homework: Tomorrow we meet in the library and research your problem and solution research paper. Come to the library KNOWING what you will write on.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Objective: The students will know how to read and write tech instructions.

1. Get folder and lit book
2. CAT6
3. Go over yesterday's work: Page 951
4. Today's work: Page 952-954
5. Writing Application

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Objective: Students will look at several consumer and workplace docs.

1. Get lit book and folder.
2. Clean out folder. There should be nothing! Get late work passes.
3. CAT6 Activity 1
4. Lit book pages 945-951

Homework: Outside Book.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Objective: Students will pass the active reading and oral questions of their outside reading.

1. Get your OLD Book Report. I need to see the page total from the first book.
2. When called, bring up your new book report, the book and THE OLD BOOK REPORT!!

Complete study guide for final next week. Have a great long weekend.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Objective: Students will write their book report or complete the review handout for the final.

1. Get handout.
2. Finish book report.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Objective: The students will complete presentations of Story Songs. They will also check their grades to make sure I have everything correct.

1. CAT6 Packet turn in
2. Song Presentations
3. Grade Printouts

Tomorrow: We will work on book reports/reading in class. Bring your stuff. If you are done, bring it in so I can do your oral questions.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Objective: The students will share some of the analyzed story songs with their peers in preparation for the final.

1. CAT6 Activity
2. Read each of the songs to be presented. Make notes and write some questions to ask of the group members during the presentation.
3. Present: Last Kiss, Mockingbird, Love Story and Gun Powder and Lead

Homework: Outside Book Report and Active Reading. Have a great afternoon!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Objective: The students will complete their story song analysis posters for presentation tomorrow.

1. CAT6 Activity
2. POster

Homework: Outside Book

Friday, January 8, 2010

Objective: The students will use all knowledge of Chapters 1-5 to complete a group review activity.

1. Get song packet.
2. Get in groups of 1-4 people.
3. Analyze the song as if it is story.
4. Complete a mini poster to present with the song on Monday.

Homework: Outside Book Report.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Objective: The students will review Down the Long Hills for tomorrow's test.

1. Get handout
2. Complete it

Homework: Outside Book

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Objective: The students will pass the Chapter 5 Test on Irony and Ambiguity.

1. Put your journals in the box.
2. Get folders and go over the Chapter Review.
3. Take the Chapter 5 Test. And pass.

Homework: Read your outside book: Active reading = highlights, notes, chapter end notes.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Objective: The students will review elements of Chapter 5 for the test.

1. CAT6
2. Chapter 5 Review

Journal Due tomorrow. review tomorrow. test on Wednesday.


Testing:  Senior ...