Monday, November 30, 2009

Objective: Students will review the Theme Chapter in order to pas tomorrow's test.

1. Get folder and lit book.
2. CAT6 Activity
3. Chapter Review pages 278-281

Homework: according to the schedule for Down the Long Hills (chapter 9 tonight)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Objective: Students will read a very short story, think about the movie we watched, then prepare to write their next essay.

1. Get packet.
2. Read story
3. Make your Ribbons

Homework: Hand out the ribbons

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Objective: The students will complete a CAT6 Activity and then see a viseo in preparation for discussion of its charcaters and theme.

1. CAT6
2. Pay It Forward video

You don't have to take notes.... unless you bug med and don't pay attention!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Objective: The students will read three short stories with similar themes. They will then write a poem that transfers that theme across genres.

1. CAT6 Activity
2. Read the story packet
3. Complete the questions
4. Write the poem

Homework : Read Down the Long Hills according to the scheule.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Objective: he students will share some essays and work on Chapters 4 or 5 of the Journal or reading.

1. Share
2. Turn in essay
3. Either read or work on journal

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Objective: Students will share the first two paragraphs of their comparison contrast essay using the class computer. The teachers will grade them and offer suggestions of how to improve.

1. Get folder
2. CAT6 Activity
3. Class/Teacher Editing of three essays.
4. Complete writing the essay. Due printed and on eblockers tomorrow.

Down the Long Hills: Keep up with the schedule: Should be on chp. 4 Journal. Quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Objective: Students will write their first essay for Mr. Warren by comparing/contrasting two recent stories.

1. CAT6 Activity
2. Prompt discussion
3. Writing

You must save it to Weblockers so that we can share on Thursday.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Objective: The students will read a short story and analyze its characters and theme.

1. CAT6 Activity
2. Notes
3. Read Cranes on page 222
4. Cranes Handout

Friday, November 6, 2009

Objective: The students will show knoledge of Chapters 1-2 of Down the Long Hills by completing a quiz/handout in one period.

1. CAT6 #15
2. Chapters 1-2 Quiz

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Objective: The students will know how to distinuish themes in literature.
Get Lit Books
1. CAT6 # _______
2. Chapter 4 Notes on Theme
3. Read "The Sniper"
4. Complete the Chart.
Down the Long Hills Chapter 2 Journal Writing and Collage Thing...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Objective: Pass the Chapter 3 Test

1. Get test and scan sheet
2. Pass the test
3. Down the Long Hills. Chapter 2. You should have Chapter 1 Journal complete.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Objective: The students will review chapter 3 (narator and voice) for tomorrow's chapter 3 test.

1. Get folder and lit book.
2. Using your own paper, complete Chapter 3 review assignment from the board and in the lit book pages 202-204.
3. Down the Long Hills read/journal according to schedule.


Testing:  Senior ...