Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Objective: Write an ODE

1. Get your poetry books.

2. Discuss an ODE

3. Write an ODE

4. Video
Today we are helping Mr. Warren

1. Deliver shirts.

2. Play on computers if you are not helping (good stuff only)

3. Video when all is done.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Objective: Pass tests

Reading 44: SPI Test

Groups 2 and 3: SRI Test

Library and SILENCE!!! While testing!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Objective: Work through R Book

1. Get Books (R and L)

2. L Book 94-95
R Book 118-119

3. Rotations: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group: 3,1,2 (Handout)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1. List Poem

Rotations: Computer 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Group 2,3,1 Finish POem

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Objective: Write three synonym poems.

1. Poem 3: Synonym Poem


2. Rotations: Computers: 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 (Homophones Worksheet)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Objective: Write another poem for your book.

1. get your poetry book that you made last Friday
2. Discuss Concrete Poem
3. Write your own concrete poem.

Rotations: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group: 3,1,2 (to, too , two)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Objective: Review some stuff!

1. Review handout.

Rotations: Computers: 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Group 2,3,1 Finish handout

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Objective: Work.

1. No books.
2. Group: Problem Solution paper: ON YOUR OWN

Rotations: Computer : 3,1,2
Library: 1,2,3 Most of you still need to pass two book tests!!!!!!!!
Group: 2,3,1 There, their, they're test. Pass, you're done!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Objective: The students will work more with There, their and they're.

1. No books today.
2. Review There, their, they're
3. Group: Problem Solution Handout

Rotations: Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group: 1,2,3 There, their and they're handout.

Movie: If time.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Objective: Students will read from the R Book.

1. Get R Books
2. Read and complete 114-117
3. There, their, they're

Rotations: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group: 3,1,2 (There, their, they're handout)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Objective: The students will write their own essay.

1. Essay

2. Rotations: Computer 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Objective: The students will practice writing a problem/solution paper.

1. Sample
2. Essay Writing

Rotations: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group (Finish Essay) 3,1,2

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Objective: The students will practice writing a problem/solution paper.

1. Sample
2. Essay Writing

Rotations: Computers 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Group (Finish Essay)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Objective: The students will work on reading and breaking down a Problem/Solution Paper.

1. Get your books.
2. Go over yesterday's Vocabulary.
3. L Book: 92 and 93
4. Read the sample Problem Solution Handout

Rotations: Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 (complete problem solution. There, their, they're.)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Objective: Students will review vocabulary and work on problem/solution documents.

1. Get books.

2. Vocab. together

3. Re-read the two R Book Selections: Out loud reading.

4. Rotations: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1 (NEED TWO TESTS!!!!)
Group: Problem Solution Worksheet
Objective: The students will finish discussing LOTF and do a review activity for the test tomorrow.

1. Chapter 12
2. Return Books to Library
3. Essay Prompt for Project
4. Review

Test tomorrow: 300 points

Friday, April 29, 2011

Objective: Get through the class.

1. Get books.
2. Group: R Book 110-113

Rotations: 20 Minutes



Library: Read. You need two tests before the end of the year at your level.


Group: Complete the Handouts


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Objective: The students will discuss and share Chapters 9-10.

Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Finish Symbol writing
Objective: The students will complete one round of rotations.

1. L Book 88-89 Go over.
R Book 108-109

2. Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,1,2

Video: If good.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Objective: The students will complete one round of rotations.

1. Computers 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Group 2,3,1 (Do pages 88-89 in L Book)

Video: If good.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Objective: The students will work on rotations before testing.

1. Get books
2. R Book 106-107 go over
3. Video again
4. L Books 86-87

Rotations: Computers: 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Handout 1,2,3

Monday, April 25, 2011

Objective: The students will begin our last workshop of the year.

1. Get your R Books and L Books.
2. Anchor Video
3. Complete Handout

Rotations: Computers: 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group: 3,1,2 R Book pages 106-107

Friday, April 22, 2011

Objective: The students will begin more test practice.

1. Test Practice Packet as a group.

2. Rotations: Computers: 2,3,1
Library: 3,1,2
Group: 1,2,3 (do the last two pages of the packet)

Video: Maybe. If you are good. And Look at the floor. it's clean. So stop being slobs!!!

Aaron R. See me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hello my favorite students!!!!!

1. Get a donut. Relax and eat it.
2. Rotations: 15 minutes.

Computers (wash your hands before using them). 1,2,3

Library: 2,3,1

Group: Handout: 3,1,2

Friday, April 15, 2011

Objective: The students will get some more test practice.

1. Group: Small packet

2. Rotations: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,1,2 (Grammar Practice)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Objective: The students will learn some key words for testing.

1. Group

2. Rotations:

Computer 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Group 2,3,1 (finish packet)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Objective: Test Practice:

1. Rotations: 20 minutes each!!!

Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 Packet

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Objective: Test Practice. Test Practice. Test Practice!!!!!!!!!

1. Group Packet: Test practice.

Rotations: Computers: 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 (vocabulary handouts)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Objective: The students will prepare for next week's CST tests.

1. Get packet.
2. Do lessons 1-2 with me.

Rotations: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,1,2 (finish lesson 3)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Objective: The students will complete figurative language handout.

1. Packet

2. Rotations computers 2,3,1
library 3,1,2
group 1,2,3

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Objective: One more day!!!!!!!! Vacation!!!!!!!

1. Nouns Packet

2. Rotations: 15 minutes: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,1,2


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Objective: The students will work on independent and dependent clauses.

1. Group Activity: Clause Packet

2. Rotations: Computers: 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Group 2,3,1

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Objective: The students will complete grammar packet and finish or rewrite their 3rd Quarter Book Report.

1. Group
2. Rotations Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 (Finish book report)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Objective: The students will work with words that add a prefix to the end.

1. Group Work: Packet

2. Rotations: Computers: 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Small Group 3,1,2 (Book Report for 3rd quarter

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Objective: The students will see an example of an Opinion Essay.

1. Group: Opinion Essay

2. Rotations: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,1,2


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Objective: The students will review grammar.

1. Group Activities: Packet

2. Rotations: Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 (finish packet)

Monday, March 21, 2011

The students will work on grammar.

1. Group: Worksheet packet.

Computers 1,2,3
Library: 2,3,1
Small Group: 3,1,2

Friday, March 18, 2011

Objective: The students will write an informative essay.

Get your returned work folders.

Get papers and use one of your outlines to write your best informative essay in English.

Rotations: Just computers today when you finish your essay.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Objective: The students will outline an informative essay.

1. Big Group: Informative Essay Packet


Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 (System 44 Book Group 1)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Objective: Students will read and outline an informative article.

1. Large group: Informative Article Packet

2. Rotations: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Small 3,1,2 Group 1 (three pages System 44 Book)
Group 2 and 3 (read and outline the article)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Objective: Students will write an Informative Article.

1. Sample Informative Article
2. Write your own informative article


Computers 2,3,1

Library 3,1,2

Small Group: 1,2,3 Finish writing


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Objective: The students will write a news article.

1. Group: News article packet.

2. Rotations: Computers: Take the R Skills Test 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Small Group 3,1,2

Monday, March 7, 2011

Objective: The students will work on reading a news article.

1. Group work: News article: All three handouts.

2. Computers: 1,2,3 (Groups 2 and 3 must take RSkills Test)

Library: 2,3,1

Small Group: 3,1,2 (Level 1 do three pages in System 44 Book)
Level 2,3 Read and complete news article.

Tomorrow: Go to D231 for 2nd period (unless you are a sophomore
Go to E133 for 3rd period (unless you are a sophomore)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Objective: The students will practice identifying SHORT U sounds.

1. Get returned work folders.
2. Short U sounds handouts.

Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,2,1 Finish handouts!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Objective: Today we have to take computer tests.

All students will do the SRI or the SPI tests.

PLEASE DO THE BEST THAT YOU CAN to show that we have worked, and that I have taught you. Read carefully, think before you answer.

Tell me your score when you are done.

Computers: 3 SRI

Everyone else: Library (If you are good, movie when all tests are done. If not, I have 10 handouts for you to work on)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Objective: The students will work with Prefixes.

1. Go to counselor's with your registration papers

2. Prefix work

3. Rotations: Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Small Group 1,2,3 (Prefix worksheets finish)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Objective: The students will work on reading for detail.

1. Reading for detail 4

Rotations: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Small Group Write a 5 sentence summary of Food Fighter and turn in the packet.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Objective: The students will work on reading for detail.

1. Reading Handouts Group


Computers: 2,3,1

Library: 3,1,2

Small Group: 1,2,3 (Level 1 System 44 Book) Level 2 finish yesterday's handouts. 3 handouts

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Objective: The students will complete Workshop 4.

1. Group 1 on computers first doing System 44
2. Group 2 and 3 start Workshop 4 Test
3. Then, Group 1 begin the test and other groups have to do the R Skills Test on the computer.
4. Then some Library

5. Maybe some movie if we get done with all the above.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Objective: Students will review for the Workshop 4 Review

1. Review Handout (100 points).
2. Rotations

Computers: 2,3,1
Library: 3,1,2
Small Group: 1,2,3 (Current Event Summary)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Objective: Students will finish up all parts of Workshop 4.

1. Get Books
2. L Book Pages 84-85

Rotations: Computers: 1,2,3
Library: 2,3,1 I know that some of you are not reading. I am going to start giving you my own tests!!!!!
Small Group: 3,1,2 (R Book 104-105)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Objective: The students will work with context clues, applying reading, and complete handouts before rotations.

1. Get books
2. Group work: L Book pages 82-83


Computers: 3,1,2
Library: 1,2,3
Small Group 2,3,1 (Letter sequence handout and Extra letters handout)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Objective: Students will review commas and then work with specific vowels sounds.

1. Get books
2. Review
3. Vowel Handouts


Computers: 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 R Book 102-103

Monday, February 14, 2011

Objective: The students will practice more working on comma use.

1. Get books
2. Reread R Book page 90-93
3. L Book 80-81
4. Rotations

Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Small Grp. 3,1,2 (Comma Handouts)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Objective: Students will work with Tenses and Verb Agreement.

1. Large Group: L Book page 78
R Book page 101

Rotations: 20 minutes each:

Computers: 3,1,2
Library: 1,2,3
Small Group: 2,3,1 (L Book Page 77)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Objective: Students will work on Summary Brainstorming.

1. Get Books


Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 (Do page 96-97 in R Book)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Objective: The students will learn to identify affixes.

1. Get returned work folders.
2. Group Work: Affixes handouts.

Rotations: Computer 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Small Group 3,1,2

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Objective: Students will work with Antonyms and Suffixes.

1. Get books and returned work folder.
2. Antonyms and Suffixes

Rotations: Computers 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Group Board Work on your own paper

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Objective: The students will work on summarizing a longer article.

1. Get returned work folders.
2. Get handouts.
3. Read article.
4. Complete Graphic Organizer

Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 (Group 1 System 44 book 3 pages)
(Groups 2,3 Handouts)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Objective: The students will do some summarizing work.

1. You don't need books.
2. Get handouts.
3. Group handouts on summarizing.


Computers: 1,2,3
Library: 2,3,1
Group: 3,2,1 (Group 1 finish the synonyms handouts from Friday)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Objective: Students will work with Synonyms and antonyms.


1. Get Books
2. Review
3. R Book page 94-95


Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Rotation 1,2,3

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Objective: Students will reread Rockers, Rappers and complete margin activities.


1. Get books.
2. Reread page 90-94 doing margin activities.
3. Rotations:

Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,1,2 Group 2-3 Complete Review Handout
Group 1 3 pages in System 44 Book

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Objective: Students will work RESPECTFULLY.

1. Get books
2. R Book Reading page 90-94


Computers 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Group 2,3,1 L Book Page 74-75

Move Maybe???

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Objective: The students will continue through Workshop 4.

1. Get Books
2. Review page 89 R Book
3. L Book Page 73 Read and complete.

4. L Book Page 74

20 minute Rotations:

Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 Complete Book Report for your most recent book.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Objective: The students will read the next selection in Workshop 4.

1. get your Book Bag
2. Review Workshop 4 Words to this point.
3. L Book Go Over page 72
4. R Book page 86-89.


Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1,
Group 3,1,2 (complete R Book)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Objective: The students will work with 4 new words in the L Book and summarize an article.

1. Get Books
2. L Book page 72-73

Rotations: Computers 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Group 2,3,1 (System 44 book 2 pages) Handouts for other groups.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Objective: The students will practice summarizing.

1. Get Books
2. Go over L Book page 71.
3. Summarizing Handout.

Your Grade: What do you deserve? Tell me.....

Let's look over the Reports....

Rotations: Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,1,2 (Fill out those EL Learner Sheets)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Objective Review summarizing.

1. Summarizing Handout
2. Rotations:

Computers 1,2,3

Library 2,3,1

Group: L Book Page 71 Summarizing

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Objective: The students will read the first selection of Workshop 4.

1. Get books
2. Review yesterday's vocabulary
3. Read R Book page 84-85


Computers: 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Group 2,3,1 (Handout)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Objective: The students will work on vocabulary.

1. Get books
2. R Book pages 66-67 Go over
3. R Book 68 and 70


Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 Vocab. Handout

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Objective: The students will begin Workshop 4.

Get Book please.

1. Workshop 4 Video
2. L Book pages 66-67

Computers: 2,3,1
Library: 3,1,2
Group: 1,2,3 System 44 kids do two pages of System 44 Book.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Objective: The students will pass Workshop 3 Test.

1. Look over your review if you want for 5 minutes.
2. Take the test.

Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1 I need one more test passed by Friday.
Group: 3,1,2

Friday, January 7, 2011

Objective: The students will review for test on Monday.

1. Get books
2. Get Workshop 3 Review and complete.


Computers: 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 Finish Review Handout.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Objective: The students will review for the Workshop 3 Test.

Rotations: Twenty Minutes Each

Computers 1,2,3
Library 2,3,1
Group 3,1,2 R Book Page 80-81

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Objective: Students will work more with words from context.

1. Get Books
2. Handouts Vocabulary from context
3. Handout Editorial Cartoon

Computer 3,1,2
Library 1,2,3
Group 2,3,1 Page 78-79 R Book

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Objective: The students will practice vocabulary from context.

1. Get books
2. Open up L Book to yesterday's assignment. Go over page 61
3. Context Lesson.
4. L Book Pages 62-63


Computers 2,3,1
Library 3,1,2
Group 1,2,3 Group 1 do two pages in your System 44 Book

Monday, January 3, 2011

Objective: Students will reread Ambush and complete writing exercises.

1. Get Books
2. Re-read Ambush in R Book page 60
3. L Book Exercises page 60-61

Computers: 1,2,3
Library: 2, 3, 1
Small Group: 3,1,2


Testing:  Senior https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1166bXhOQDAxyhJbqFgv_nF2gcy-zKhhEmdl_iAc8FWM/edit#slide=id.g5b1b8bd6f9_0_294 ...