Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween

Objecvtive:  The students will be introduced to our new lit piece and complete the prologue.

1.  Get the handout.

2.  Takes notes on into.

3.  Complete reading and annotations of Prologue

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Last Day of King Arthur

Objective:  The students will complete the film version and turn in their test.

1.  Finish movie

2.  Turn in 15 differences test.

Tomorrow we start Canterbury Tales

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Arthur Movie

Objective:  The students will continue modern translation of King Arthur.

1.  Get on Aeries.  Why do 11 in 5th period and 7 of you have a 6th period with a D or an F in this class.  Literally easy assignments.  No homework.  Just lazy kids who may not graduate.

2.  If you don't want to watch movie, then get some work to me today for partial credit.

Monday, October 28, 2019

District Essays complete

Objective:  The students will see a new movie version of the piece that we just read.

1.  Get a sheet of paper.

2.  Over the next two days, make a list of a minimum of 15 diferences between the original version and this version of King Arthur.

3.  Get your District Writing Tests.  They are graded and in the gradebook.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Extra Credit??

Objective:  The students will complete reading of part 2 of King Arthur's Death.

1.  Extra Credit:  RUSD Gallop Survey:  Optional 10 points of EC (must answer truthfully)

2.  Complete Day 2 of packet.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Part 2

Objective:  Students will read about Arthur's last battle.

1.  Go over yestrerday's questions and turn in.

2.  Complete Day 2 Pages 6-10)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The End of Arthur

Objective:  The students will read the end of Le Morte DE'Arthur.

1.  Grab the packet and the Day 1 Question Sheet.

We will finish this in three days and then see the movie.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Congratulations Football Players!! I am happy for all of you!

Objective:  The students will read Chapters 4-7 of Le Morte D'Arthur

It's kinda amazing to me that I have known about the legend of King Arthur for many years, but I have never read it.  I am liking it so far!

1.  Get a Chapter 4-7 packet.  Do vocab first (define the circled words).  Then close read (highlight and answer the questions in the margin).

Friday, October 18, 2019

The district essays are TOUGH!!!

Objective:  The students will read Chapters 1-3 of Le Morte D'Arthur.

1.  WP:  Yes we will still do them until you all learn to write and edit!!!!

2.  Close Read (highlights and answers to questions) Chapter 1-3 Handout.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Le Morte D'Arthur

Objective:  The students will know some meanings of older words so that we can read some of the story of King Arthur.

1.  Grab a packet of Chapters 1-3 of Le Morte D'Arthur.  On a blank sheet of paper, look up the meaning of all of the circled words so that we understand it tomorrow when we read it.

2.  This is due tomorrow. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

New Unit: The Middle Ages

Objective:  The students will follow the class discussion and fill in their note sheet for 100 points.

1.  Middle Ages PP Discussion.

2.  Complete note sheet with teacher and then on your own for the last 4 bits of info.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Thought you were gonna have a sub... but I forgot to call in...

Objective:  The students will complete their Resumes.

1.  Get a computer. 

2.  Complete Resume.

3.  Come up to this computer and print it when it's perfect.  Remember:  Two spelling errors = No Hire = 60 points max.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Resume Writing or Updating

Objective:  The students will create or update a resume to be used in a search for a seasonal job.

1.  I know that many of you have done this already.  That's good.  It's something practical that you can use in life.  But you will all do one again (or update one that you have) so that it fits my requirements.

Requirements:  This is worth 100 points. 
                                                100 points = I would hire you.
                                                   60 points= I wouldn't hire you.

Automatic I wouldn't hire= Two or more misspelled words.
                                             A reference phone number that is not real or an email that doesn't work.
                                             Missing information

Info you need on resume:

Education Experience
Community Service
Other (something else to make you standout)
References (Two)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Finish Essay

Objective:  The students will write a passing essay.

1.  You essay is due at the end of the period.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

District Essay Writing

Objective:  The students will write a great essay.

Write your district essay.  It should be 5 paragraphs.  You have to use three pieces, one being the article.

You will need quotes from each piece.  If you never got your Beowulf papers, you are kinda screwed, but you can find Beowulf quotes on the internet.

Limit your quotes to "three to seven words" and try to integrate them into your sentences.  Don't just slap them in there without a reason.

Here is how I would organize it:

Gilgamesh (oldest hero in lit)
Beowulf (oldest English literature hero)
The article (hero today)

Friday, October 4, 2019

Happy Three Day Weekend!!! For Me!!! :)

Objective:  Complete the modern day version of a dynamic hero character.

1.  On Monday I will be absent.  I am sick.  Be Good.  If sub leaves your name for any reason, you get a ZERO on the writing test.

2.  Monday we begin the writing test.  You will close read the article.  And plan.

3.  Tuesday you will write.

4.  Wednesday you are off.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

A Little Break (but still fits our Hero UNit perfectly)

Objective:  The students will male literary connections between the two pices that we have read and the movie.

1.  Discuss District Writing Test:  It will be Monday and Tuesday.

2.  Movie today and tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Gilgamesh: DONE!

Objective:  The students will finish Gilgamesh!

Congrats!!!  You have now (after today) read the complete oldest two pieces of literature known to man.

I am impressed!

1.  Tablets 11 and 12.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tablet 10.... Gilgamesh is Serious about his Quest!!

Objective:  The students will review and then read another tablet.

1.  Review "game"

2.  Tablet 10.  There are three pages.  Grab all of them and staple.

Start thinking of what you want to do for a project....


Testing:  Senior ...